Friday, May 29, 2009

Our hearts are sad today

Erik's MiMi passed away today around 4:30. She had been sick for a long time. She will be missed a lot. We had prayed that she would recover, but only if that was the Lord's will. Obviously it was not. This comes less than 1 year since Grandad passed away. I wonder if her heart was missing him? This is both of them on Thanksgiving 2005. I am so glad Erik got to spend that holiday with his Grandparents. This was not long after we thought we would not have his other grandfather with us.
Please pray for us as we travel to Massachusetts this weekend to be with Dad and Uncle Rick--Erik's family. We ask for traveling mercies because we are flying. We would like to have a smooth flight and that the weather will be nice--I am still not too keen on this whole flying bit. Anyway, also pray for comfort and peace knowing that MiMi is better and not in any more pain. When we return, I will blog more.


1 comment:

Merritt Pace said...

Praying for you guys!