Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

I can't believe that Christmas is so close. I want to be in the spirit and I am, but I have so much going on right now! I also am finishing my first course in the master's program at Walden. Woot Woot! My new course books are on the way. So far I am doing quite well. Is an A good? Just kidding! It is and I KNOW IT!!! :) Erik is fine. Just working too much. Luckily he has December 22-Jan. 2 off from work. That was a surprise. Not by choice though. All is well...don't worry. I have also informed my husband that we will NOT move anytime soon. Those of you who know our "story" know how many times we have done that. I am stayin' put!
Anyway, I have been reflecting on my career lately. Could it be because it's part of my course this quarter??? Duh! Anyway...I have decided that one thing I can do to alleviate stress is to take care of me. I think we all forget to do that, especially this time of the year. While we are so busy being focused on our family, the gifts, the Reason for the season (which should be first, let me add!!), we also need to remember to do something for ourselves.
That could mean:
1. Studying the Word. Spend time with Dad. Don't forget Him.
2. Taking time to breath and relax. Release that tension.
3. Exercise--I am learning now how important this is and that I want the payoffs from it later!
4. Watching a little TV--you wanna watch White Christmas or that Grinchy show? Do it!!
5. Read--I ALWAYS do that during my Christmas break. I hope I get the new Nicholas Sparks book! :)

These are just a few. I think #1 should definately come first. The others--well, add to them or not. Just take time for yourself. It is important. God loves you and wants the best for you. He gives you these opportunities to do this for yourself. Do it!

Anyway...enough of all that seriousness. My dear friend Merritt added her family version of this clip to her blog. The funny thing is, I actually did the clip for MY family over the weekend. Great minds think alike! So, I decided to add our as well. Laugh! You know you want too!


"The Edge" said...

Megadittos to those stress relievers. That was my #1 prayer request this past week at our cell group (couples community group). I just think that all of the people can be overwhelming at times. Expectations - not necessarily of ourselves, by sometimes we project on to ourself the expectations others have for us, when they may not have any at all. Sometimes, you can see me over in a corner just trying to stay quiet and watch TV because all the people are just too much!!!! But our Lord is so gracious, that He can take the stress away if we just trust Him for the strength we need and rely on Him to daily get through each day on its own. Office parties, friends' get togethers, family dinners,and the like always add to our plates - I second the notion that we need to measure our time and spend it accordingly. As a relevant scripture says....."redeeming the time, for the days are evil....." What that means in essence is that we live in a time where evil is all around us - we need to be ever vigilant that our own time management not only honors our Creator, but those around us as well to not add more "evil" to the world, but instead to make it more enjoyable.

Blessings and Peace to all of you reading this during the holiday season.


Merritt Pace said...

I love it!!! Thanks for all of the sweet comments that you leave on my blog. They are so uplifting! Thanks for your friendship, and let's get together over the holidays!

Alli and Erik said...

Hey...I didn't know this was YOUR blog Erik! :)