Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Family Update

Hey...I just thought I would update you guys on what's going on with my momma. Sunday she wrecked her car. She was pulling out of the grocery store and she was hit. She was taken by ambulance to the ER. She was sore and shaken, but other than that, she was OK. Well, they wanted to do a CT scan because her head was hurting. They found some bleeding (I don't know what they even call that--hematoma??). In order to make it stop, they had to take her off of her blood thinners. She is on them because her bodies make clots and she has stents in her heart. Well the problem with that is she could develope a clot and it could cause an anurism (sp?) or an embalism. So she has been under constant supervision in the ICU. They did another CT scan today and they found that she is now stable. We are thankful for that! But they also had to do a 2nd CT scan this afternoon because she had tingling and was shaking really bad during the first one. They wanted to check for a stroke or seizures. It's one thing and then another. Tonight they are moving her to a room 1 step down from ICU! Yeah! The neurologist said that if she is stable for 2 more days, she could go home. However, they also recommend she stay off of the blood thinners for 3 weeks! Yikes! Her doctors will have to work closely together to find a "happy medium", as they were saying.
So, please pray for my Momma. We want her to be better and to come home. Pray she stays stable and that they can find that happy medium. Thanks! I will keep you updated.


Merritt Pace said...

I will definitely pray for your Momma. May God bless your family this week. Luv ya!

Famously Robyn said...

We are praying too. We have a prayer request too but I'd rather tell it to you in person.

The Elliotts said...

Hey Allison. I just read your blog. Kevin told me about the email Erik sent out the other day, but I have been so busy with work that by the time I've had a chance to call or whatever it's been really late at night. I'm sorry and have been thinking about you guys. Let me know how your mama is doing. I love you.

Christy said...

Alli -
I am praying for you and your mom. I wish you peace and comfort for your mom.